Vacation Rental Revenue Management as a Service (RMaaS)

You know you need a revenue manager, but Can You get the revenue manager you need?


But driving those fast results are hard. There’s so many components to consider: rates, rates on different channels, promo codes, discounts, slash-through pricing, minimum length of stays, and closing arrival and departure. Rates and availability gets exponentially difficult as they interact with paid advertising, email marketing, channel distribution, branding, budgets, and growth. So how can a business know they’re getting it right?

You know you need a revenue manager, but can you get the revenue manager you need? Keeping revenue management in-house creates several challenges:

  • The time and money cost of hiring an appropriate candidate.

  • The pool of experienced vacation rental revenue is extremely small. In order to find the right fit you’re either paying a lot for top talent or settling on quality to stay within budget.

  • If your company needs revenue management competence, how can you competently know which candidate is the better revenue manager?

  • Once hired, even more time and money is invested into the employee’s onboarding. Even more is spent on employee compensation and benefits.

  • Once the hire is onboarded, there’s no guarantee they will perform well.

  • An internal hire can’t always be 100% objective as they navigate office politics

  • Those with no prior consulting experience have limited exposure to different portfolio types and sized. They also don’t have many experiences going from 0 to 100 real quick.

  • If there is no redundancy, the entire organizations revenue is at risk anytime there’s a sick day, PTO, or employee departure (in which case you start the whole process over again)

  • As your business grows, its often hard to scale revenue management appropriately. If you hire too soon then you’re wasting money. If you hire too late, your in over your head and leaving money on the table. Individual employees aren’t fractional, but services provided by a consultant can be.

With RevPARTY you can wash your hands of the hassle and rest easy knowing your revenue management is in good hands.

Thought Leadership

Occupancy Based Pricing

To charge or not to charge by the head? That is the question. And we’ve got answers.

Minimum Length of Stay or Minimum Revenue

Minimum length of stays are a great tactic to increase revenue, but its also a great way to leave money on the table.

How and consulting help?

When is the right time to call in the experts?