Vacation Rental Email Campaign Creation

email campaigns allow you to provide personalized information to Your most valuable Guests


We all know personalization isn’t the wave of the future, its here now … and your guests expect it. Email campaigns allow companies to harness all of the information they know about there customers and provide the most useful information, timely offers, and value.

An email campaign also targets your most valuable guests. These guests have stayed at your property before, signed up for email communication, or sent an email inquiry. Email campaigns turn warm leads into hot customers.

Revenue management and email campaigns go hand in hand. Email campaigns allow you to target the guests you need. Need to fill a weekday? Target those that have stayed during the week before. Do you want to increase your average length of stay? An offer may entice some to stay an extra night or previous guests with long stays to rebook.

By creating targeted and personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with potential guests, you set your organization up for success. Not only do email campaigns keep your vacation rental company top of mind for a guest’s next trip, it provides the most value to your most valuable guests.