Vacation Rental Housekeeping Projections

Do You Want GLowing Reviews and lower operating costs.


When guests arrive at your rental property, what's the first thing they notice? It's not the fancy furniture or the breathtaking views (although those are important too). No, the first thing they notice is whether the place is clean and tidy. And if it's not, it doesn't matter how great everything else is – they're not going to be happy.

That's where housekeeping comes in. With a top-notch housekeeping team, you can guarantee that your property will always be spotless and inviting for your guests. The best way to do this with arrival and departure forecasts.

Think about it, if you have a revenue management program you’re likely already projecting bookings and length of stays. This is directly related to housekeeping turns. By predicting when you’ll have departures and arrivals, you can acurately predict how many hours or property cleans you will need from your housekeeping staff.

Take the complexity out of scheduling and reduce your operational costs by predicting when housekeeping needs to happen.